Charlotte is known for having hot, humid summer days, chilly winters, and everything in between, 所以你需要一个可靠的系统来为你的家提供全年所需的供暖和制冷. 如果你想要一个既有欧博平台allbet官方模式又有冷却模式的系统,热泵是一个很好的选择.
Our Acosta 欧博平台allbet官方, Cooling & 电气团队可以帮助您确定该系统是否是您家庭舒适需求的正确选择,并为您提供专业服务,以满足您的所有暖通欧博体育allbet需求.
要了解更多关于在家中安装热泵或我们的热泵服务的信息, 联系 the team at Acosta today by calling 704.665.5998.
What Homes Are 热泵 Best For?
When trying to figure out if a heat pump is right for you, it’s a good idea to think about the specifics of your house.
Best Efficiency in Moderate Temperatures
热泵在冬天大部分时间不低于冰点的地方表现最好. 在将电能转化为热能时,它们的效率是电炉的5倍. Better efficiency creates more energy savings for you. 当气温降至冰点时,热泵就会失去一些效率. 当这种情况发生时,它们的效率就相当于一个炉子.
Best Efficiency in Larger Homes
众所周知,热泵在有足够空间舒适地维护一段时间的家庭中更有效-较小的家庭可能很难找到适合高效运行的热泵. 您还需要考虑您的绝缘状态以及您是否需要快速, intense heat from a furnace to stay comfortable. To determine the best size heat pump for your home, check out this heat pump sizing guide.
当然, 许多这些问题可以通过将热泵与炉子配对来解决,以享受两者的最佳效果, but if you’re looking at one or the other, you’ll want to consider these specifics.
Trying to decide if a heat pump is right for your home? 联系 the Acosta team online 或打电话 704.665.5998 to learn more.
Heat Pump 修复 Services
你不必满足于一个不能有效地欧博平台allbet官方或冷却你的家的热泵. When you notice your system isn’t working as efficiently as it should, turn to the pros at Acosta for fast and reliable heat pump repairs. 我们提供及时的服务,不分昼夜,让您的系统再次运行.
Signs you need repairs include:
- Poor heating or cooling quality
- Unusual noises
- 没有气流
If you notice any of these signs, 联系 the Acosta team at 704.665.5998 to schedule service today.
Heat Pump 安装ation
当你准备好安装热泵系统作为你的成本效益和可靠的欧博平台allbet官方和冷却系统, turn to Acosta for professional installation services. 我们在为整个夏洛特地区的房主安装暖通欧博体育allbet系统方面拥有50多年的经验. 您可以信赖我们的团队为您安装节能可靠的热泵.
Interested in upgrading to a heat pump in your home? Speak with a team member by 联系ing Acosta online 或者打电话 704.665.5998.
Benefits of 热泵 Over Other 欧博平台allbet官方 Systems
Heat pumps have a lot to offer your home. 以下是你可能想要安装一个而不是另一个供暖系统的几个原因:
- 当温度高于冰点时,其能源效率远远超过其他技术
- Also works as an air conditioning unit
- 更温和,更温和的热量,不会像强制空气炉一样使你的家变干
- 只使用电力和制冷剂-没有像炉子或锅炉那样可能存在的气体或水泄漏的风险.
- 是否可用于无管道系统,以方便气候分区,减少空间使用等.
How much will my heat pump installation cost?
Heat pump installations and replacements are a significant investment. 热泵安装的价格可能因家庭而异. Acosta 欧博平台allbet官方, Cooling & 电气公司明白,更换系统是一项艰巨的任务,但我们愿意提供帮助. 使用我们的 Online System Quote tool to compare different products. 我们的工具可以帮助您找到最适合您预算的热泵产品. We are happy to help you find a system you will love!
Heat Pump Maintenance
如果你想让你的热泵在未来的几年里尽可能高效地运行, you’ll want to set up routine maintenance services with Acosta. 我们经验丰富,知识渊博的团队将对您的设备进行彻底的检查和调整,以确保您在每个季节都能在家中获得可靠的舒适.
您可以确保您的热泵的性能年复一年通过报名参加 Acosta Club to receive routine professional maintenance. 我们会为您安排时间,并准时出现,进行彻底的检查和调整.
To learn more about our maintenance program, 联系 Acosta today at 704.665.5998.
Schedule Heat Pump Service in Charlotte Today
准备好安装一个新的热泵作为你家的供暖和制冷系统? Turn to the trusted pros at Acosta. 我们有机会接触顶级品牌,并将帮助您选择适合您的家庭和预算的产品.
我们的认证技术人员致力于满足您家庭的舒适需求,并在暖通欧博体育allbet系统的整个生命周期内为您提供服务. 我们拥有超过50年的热泵经验,并提供一个安心的保证,以确保您始终满意我们的工作和结果.
Schedule service with Acosta today by calling us at 704.665.5998.
Frequently Asked Questions
- 热泵在一定温度下真的会失效吗?
在20度或更低的温度下,热泵的效率低于100%. 这就是为什么人们生活在室外温度经常低于冰点的地区 use a furnace, boiler, or other type of heating system. 北卡罗莱纳州冬季的夜间温度通常在零度以上, so it’s rarely an issue here.
- Can a heat pump really produce enough heat for an entire house?
是的, as long as they’re sized and located properly, a heat pump can efficiently and comfortably heat your home. 而单热泵在更开放的家庭中工作效率最高, new technologies have increased their operating efficiencies, 因此,对许多房主来说,用热泵给整个房子供暖是一个很有吸引力的选择.
- What else can a heat pump do besides heating?
Heat pumps use electricity to transfer heat, not generate it, 因此,它们比其他传统设备效率更高. 高效热泵的功能与五大家用电器相同:欧博平台allbet官方器, air conditioners, room air filters, dehumidifiers, and ceiling fans.
- Why is my heat pump blowing cold air even when it’s cold outside?
你家的热泵可能在隆冬吹出冷空气有几个原因:制冷剂水平低, a thermostat set to cool, or a problem with the reversing valve, which switches your heat pump from cooling to heating mode. First, make sure the thermostat is set to “auto.“如果您怀疑换向阀或制冷剂过低有问题,请咨询专业人员 check for and repair these or any other issues.
- 如果我安装了热泵,我还能在不同的房间设置不同的温度吗?
是的! 如果你想解决室内温度不平衡或希望节省你的水电费, you can add zoning to an existing HVAC system, including a heat pump. Multi-zone systems let you maintain different temperatures in different rooms, so every space is at your desired comfort level. 安装后,每个区域都可以单独控制,这也有助于降低能源成本.